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Completed Projects

Year Long Project (LNJ Packs):

LNJ Packs is an invention created with the purpose of supporting ones lower back with a backpack while being both affordable and visually appealing.


Supporting Material:
Individual Research Project: Friction Match
JPL Competiton

I am the team captain for my team, VikingX, which we are competing in a JPL competition with the goal of changing the orientation of a PVC pipe from horizontal to vertical. My team is making a system that will lower an arm with a claw attached and grab onto the PVC pipe, the arm raises and the claw lets go of the pipe pipe onto a stand. Currently we are working on programming the claw to open and close, we also need a base for our system to sit on. Our biggest challenge is figuring out a way to lift the arm.

JPL Competiton II

Currently my team, VikingX, is working on a new idea on how to lift the PVC pipe. This has required the use of power tools, including electric drills, metal grinder and various saws. During the next couple of days we will be building a final prototype and hopefully not have many problems. The new design involves a system which will lay underneath the pipe and the system will be lifted by a pulley system with a heavy weight on the opposite side

JPL Competiton III

 In this update we have started working on building our final project. We ran many tests on our prototype and they were successful in switching the orientation of the PVC pipe. Since our prototype, we have made many minor changes. We decided to make the lifting arm out of PVC, changed from metal rods to wood, we are getting rid of an arc and working on the weight dropping system. My role as the captain is to supervise everything that goes on and finalize all decisions being made toward the project. 

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